Cooling Down 1

Cooling down 1

People nowadays are constantly putting themselves in positions to produce and achieve goals.

We are running for our carreer, family, our own health and this can be a cause for a lot of stress. Either physical or mental stress.

Many people skip the cooling down because they want to move on to the next thing in their busy schedule. But over time, this will fire back at you. If you do not take the time for a proper cooling down to stretch or at least take yourself to a rest-state, you will ultimately just train your body to exhaustion.

A cooling down gives your body and mind the space and time to relax, which is VITAL for your Movement Freedom!

You tear your muscles when you train, they need rest to come back stronger. By doing this simple cooling down, you will see more results in a shorter period of time

So let's take a look at cooling down 1 (Cooling down 2 will be available at the start of month 2)

Let's FLY!

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