Warming Up 1

Warming up 1

It's tempting to start RIGHT away with your workouts right?

We all know that feeling: Rushing through your warm-up because the real workout is waiting for you...

Let's make a mindset shift right here: Let's pretend your warm-up is your actual workout...

Whenever you go to your training spot, make sure you focus first on how you will start the warm-up. After that you can start to think about the workout you're going to do.

The reason why you want to do this is simple:

Your warm-up is of major importance if you don't want to risk any injuries. Injuries are one major reason why people quit with their workout programs... they are set-backs you much rather want to simply avoid.

Let's make Movement Freedom a save environement for you to train... with the proper warming up and cooling down.

Let's do this!

👇 Any thoughts on this warm-up? Share them here! 👇

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