Week 1. workout 1 - Baseline measurement 1

Hey GoalTrainer!
It's time for your very first Baseline Measurement!
This is made for you and us to measure your progress and see how much you grow throughout Movement Freedom...

These are the instructions:
Move through the following videos in chronological order.
Each video is devided in 3 levels, you move from left to right as you go through this workout.
You start at Level 1 on the left, then move to level 2 in the middle and level 3 on the right.
Then you move to the next video and start left at level 4, then level 5 and finally level 6 on the right.

Perform every exercise for as many repetitions as shown in the top right of the videos.
You have 60 seconds per exercise to perform the repetitions and you must perform each repetition in a clean way.
If you did your repetitions faster than 60 seconds, you may rest the remaining seconds.

If you have extra time at level 6, do as many repetitions as possible in the remaining 60 seconds.

Remember: This is about finding your personal limit. If you can't do a certain level, don't beat yourself over it. Rather accept it and see it as a perfect benchmark for your progress.

If level 1 or 2 were your limit, you will get the most results out of month 1 if you follow the beginner GoalTrainer video's.
If level 3 or 4 were your limit, you will get the most results out of month 1 if you follow the intermediate GoalTrainer video's.
If level 5 or 6 were your limit, you will get the most results out of month 1 if you follow the advanced GoalTrainer video's.

You must at least finish the reps of the 3th level to be able to qualify for the intermediate level and you must at least finish level 5 if you want to qualify for the advanced level.

Make sure to write down how far you came! This will be your guideline throughout the program!

Have Fun, Good Luck and Let's FLY!

Great Job! Now you can take 90 seconds of rest.

Let's move on to the core exercises!

Awesome! Now you can take 90 seconds of rest.

Let's FLY to the push exercises!

Awesome! Now you can take 90 seconds of rest.

Let's finish it with the Leg work!

Great! You did your first Baseline Measurement!

If level 1&2 were your limit, you will get the most results out of month 1 if you follow the beginner GoalTrainer video's.
If level 3&4 were your limit, you will get the most results out of month 1 if you follow the intermediate GoalTrainer video's.
If level 5&6 were your limit, you will get the most results out of month 1 if you follow the advanced GoalTrainer video's.

Make sure to write down how far you came! This will be your guideline throughout the program!

👇 You can also share your results down here 👇

Complete and Continue  